Alabama Dept of Revenue

Alabama Dept of Revenue is the state agency that oversees the tax and financial management, headquarter address is 50 North Ripley Street, Montgomery, AL 36132. Alabama Dept of Revenue phone number is 334-242-9800. Please browse the below Alabama Revenue offices and divisions direct numbers:

Alabama Dept of Revenue Phone Number

Alabama Dept of Revenue main phone mumber: 334-242-9800
Business & License Tax Assessments: 334-242-9600
Environmental/Other: 334-242-9612
Field Audit Section: 334-242-9630
Motor Fuels Section: 334-242-9608
Severance & License Tax Section: 334-353-7827
Tobacco Tax Section: 334-242-9627
Collection Services: 334-242-1220
Commissioner: 334-242-1175
General Information: 334-242-1170
Deputy Commissioner: 334-242-1175
Economic Development (Tax Incentives): 334-242-1175
Entity Registration: 334-242-1584
Processing Services: 334-242-1820
Equal Employment Opportunity Office: 334-353-5480
Financial Operations: 334-353-4655
Human Resources: 334-242-1670
Business Privilege Tax: 334-242-1170 Option #8
Corporate Income Tax Questions: 334-242-1170 Option #6
Financial Institution Excise Tax Questions: 334-242-1170 Option #6
Individual Income Tax Assessments: 334-242-1170 Option #1
Individual Income Tax Questions: 334-242-1170 Option #1
Individual Income Tax Refund Hotline: 1-855-894-7391
Individual Income Tax Special Audit-Non-filer Group: 334-242-1511
Individual Income Tax Special Audit-CP2000/EOAD Group: 334-242-1940
Pass-Thru Entities (S-Corps, Partnerships, Fiduciary, Estates, Trusts): 334-242-1170 Option #6
Registration for Business Accounts: 334-242-1584
Withholding Tax: 334-242-1170 Option #7
Internal Audit & Security: 334-242-3480
Investigations: 251-344-4737
Legal: 334-242-9690
Motor Vehicle: 334-242-9000
Property Tax: 334-242-1525
Registration for Business Accounts: 334-242-1584
Sales & Use Tax: 334-242-1490 (General Info) or 1-866-576-6531 (Paperless Filing Info)
Taxpayer Advocacy: 334-242-1055

Alabama Dept of Revenue phone number to talk to a real person at Alabama Revenue office is 334-242-9800.

Alabama Dept of Revenue Fax Number – What is Alabama Dept of Revenue fax number?

Alabama Dept of Revenue fax number to send fax massages, documents, forms, requests, and inquiries using a facsimile machine is 334-242-1220.

Alabama Dept of Revenue Website

Alabama Dept of Revenue website where you can access the latest news, Alabama Revenue management team details, updates, state announcements and more, can be accessed by using the below website address:

Alabama Dept of Revenue Address – What is Alabama Dept of Revenue address?

Alabama Dept of Revenue address where you can send official mail, documents, forms, requests, and inquiries is:

Agency: Alabama Dept of Revenue (Alabama Department of Revenue)
Street: 50 North Ripley Street
City: Montgomery
State: Alabama
ZIP: 36132

Alabama Dept of Revenue Services

Alabama Dept of Revenue provides many public services including Administers tax laws, Enforces laws and regulations, Performs motor vehicle tag and title administration, State Revenue Statistics and Reports, Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate, Tax & Industry Guides, Taxpayer Bill of Rights, Information and Records Requests, Tax Protests and Appeals, Property Tax Appeals, Alcohol and Tobacco Hearings, Tax Refunds & Debts, Tax Programs, Special Taxes & Fees, Tax Permits, Filing & Paying Taxes, Fees, Remittances, Proposed Rules, Public Meetings and Regulatory Plans.
Watch this video to learn more about Alabama Dept of Revenue services, responsibilities, and tasks.

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